What is a Textile Item?
textile = noun | tex·tile | ˈtek-ˌstī(-ə)lˈ | teks-tᵊl\
Definition of textile by Merriam-Webster
Our company, American Recyclers, is a textile recycling company located in the United States which provides, maintains clean, professional clothes recycling bins. With thousands of textile recycle bins throughout your community, provides a convenient, easy way to keep unnecessary waste out of our overfilled landfills. Here at American Recyclers we repurpose gently used recycled textiles and clothes for the less fortunate. The rags that are donated to textile bins are recycled and turned into other items such as commercial rags, insulation products as well as other uses. Our goal is to rid landfills of all textiles but we must have YOUR used cloth donations. If your item is made of cloth, donate it for reuse or recycling. Cloth donations you can recycle are those socks with holes, stretched out underwear you know you should toss, husband crepe paper t-shirt he insists on keeping, old sheets, towels, pillowcases or curtains you will never use, stuff toys that may need minor mending or can be recycled. Do Not Trash Clothing Textiles . . . Donate Them instead in our bright PINK recycling bins!

Three major benefits to Recycling Textile Clothing
The textile donations help us support local charities that include, but are not limited to, Susan G. Komen, American Breast Cancer Foundation, ABC Ministry, Save the Family Foundation of Arizona, and the Bridges Foundation. Your donations are considered a charitable deduction and can be claimed as such on your personal tax return. Recycling textiles provides a triple benefit as it helps those less fortunate, provides support to local charities, but that’s not all… STOPS UNNECESSARY WASTE IN OUR OVERFILLED LANDFILLS.
Your donations provide Protection to YOUR FUTURE Generations
Currently, only 30% of textiles are recycled, while 70% ends up in our overcrowded landfills! Textiles like linen take about 2 weeks to decompose. Other textiles such as leather, cotton, silk, cashmere, and hemp can take up to 14 months to decompose in landfills. Bamboo will take about a year to decompose, with wool 1 to 5 years. textiles such as nylon and rubber will take from 50 to 80 years to decompose! America’s landfills are overloaded, and recycling your donated textiles drastically helps reduce the amount of textiles thrown away. We need your help to stop the unnecessary textiles from being thrown away in our landfills. Help us in protecting our future generations as we may not have any place to put our trash as eventually we will run out of places to put new landfills in America.

Find a Clothing Textile Donation Bin in your neighborhood for your used clothes, toys, shoes, belts and see a list of other items.
Call American-Recyclers
Arizona Phone: 1-800-300-1201
Find a Clothing Textile Donation Bin in your neighborhood for your used clothes, toys, shoes, belts and see a list of other items.
Call American-Recyclers
Oklahoma Phone: 1-800-300-1201
Find a Clothing Textile Donation Bin in your neighborhood for your used clothes, toys, shoes, belts and see a list of other items.
Call American-Recyclers
Oklahoma Phone: 1-800-300-1201
Find a Clothing Textile Donation Bin in your neighborhood for your used clothes, toys, shoes, belts and see a list of other items.
Call American-Recyclers
Texas Phone: 1-866-758-4483

Click here to read about the typical textile fibers found in clothing and the length of time it takes for them to decompose in a landfill.